Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Upcoming Post Example: Magic with fixed CSS background

Hi Everyone So today I am back with something I discovered myself; Well, inspired, kind of. I was browsing some Portfolios for some Inspiration for my portfolio and found one cool portfolio which I realized used fixed backgrounds. Too bad I don't have the link. I really should have bookmarked it. So, After Searching a bunch of sites with fixed CSS background, I discovered a nice and cool simple trick with fixed backgrounds, something like I have done with the background of this container below. And well some of those sites were:

So I'll be writing the tutorial on 8th May, 2013 that is, tomorrow, Whose Example by the way is already here-->

So this is how the effect would look like in a new window, And if you actually wanna see it in a new window then download it here. Thanx!

Learn To create Triangles or 'arrows' to style divs with pure CSS:

So here, I present my fisrt tut for beginners, that is; CSS3 Triangles. Use it as you want; As arrow likes for divs, Back to top links(with triangle facing top), etc.
For example I present:

So what here I did is made a circle with cool styles and 50% border-radius and made an arrow pointing towards the bottom, rotated it using the CSS3 properties, applied relative positioning, and HOOF AND POOF! What do we get here? If any question, ask me. Either mail me at Chauhanssaksham@yahoo.com or Comment Below or at Home (Lol Site home not your home) or at the tutorial given here. Thanks!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome To CSS Tuts by Saksham.

Hi I'm a 13 year-old Graphics Designer and Web Designer excelling in Visual Graphics,HTML 5, CSS 3 and Javascript. I also make icons, logos, vectors, and clean potraits for yer life moments for which I have Adobe Photoshop CS6 extended. I exclusively work on 3-D graphics also and am working on the 4-D ones (4-D refers to motion and the 3 axises.)
So one fine day while learning some CSS at a random site, I thought about sharing my own views on CSS, and eventually about creating a blog (Lol I am lazy so I left alot of the story).
So here, I, Thakur Saksham Chauhan, present to you the Ultimate Blog for learning CSS3 and photoshop (mainly advance CSS), and which I now, Declare! (Lol just some royal stuff)
And I always say, folks,

"If you do something for fun, for no exact reason or profit, love it. It is your passion. I love web designing."